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Raising Rock Stars Preschool Instant Download Bundle
What is included?
- 26 full printable units {with updated intro sheet}
- Blank Lesson Plan {editable PDF file}
- Sample Lesson Plan Details {PDF file of this page}
- Popsicle Stick Props {1 file for easy printing and prep}
- Vocabulary A-Z {1 file with all vocab cards}
- Letter Tracing Cards {includes lowercase also}
How does it work?
You submit your payment via PayPal and you are instantly redirected to a webpage with your download link information. The download is a zip file which you will need to extract and then save to your computer. You will have the entire printable program all at once! You will also receive this information in an email from eJunkie in case the redirect link fails somehow. Be sure to check your spam folders for an email from eJunkie.
Why purchase the bundle when you can get most of the printables for free?
This is a great question and I actually advise you to take advantage of the free base printables if you are financially stretched. That's why I offer the entire base printable RRSP program for free, so ALL families can use it regardless of finances.
If you do have the money to consider purchasing the bundle there are a few reasons I think it is beneficial.
- #1-TIME...It saves you download time by getting all of the files at once rather than individual downloads.
- #2-EXTRAS...There are extras included in the bundle that are not available anywhere else!
- purchasing you help out our family!