Can I use RRSP as the only thing I do for Preschool?
No. This is a foundational program, not a compete program. It will provide you with most of what you need to expose your preschooler to, but your child will benefit if you do more in addition. Include a fun theme of the week, fun educational toys, MANY books, and more. You can follow my weekly Preschool Corner posts to see how we fit it all in. Be sure to visit our Preschool Printables page too for more fun ideas!
When should I begin this program?
For us, my son was ready between 3 1/2 and 4. We didn't officially begin until he was closer to 4. Use the Preschool assessment sheets as a guideline to see if it's time for your child. If your child is overwhelmed by the tasks presented, stick with Tot School for awhile longer. Don't be in a rush-they grow up too fast as it is!
Why do you use different fonts for each verse?
I do this because we live in a technological world. Our kids are exposed to computers and more from birth these days! I think it is important for them to see letters written in a variety of ways from an early age. I keep all of the printing in the same standard font, but I do use various fonts for the verses each time. For those of you who do not like this, I am providing an extra main verse sheet in standard printing font.
What is included in the PowerPoint lessons & why would I want these in addition to what you offer for free?
The PowerPoint lessons are great for review, don't require any printing, and are engaging for your preschooler. My son loves pushing the arrow himself to go through the show. You certainly do not need these, but they are a great addition to the program. You can see them in action here. You can join the Members Only section here.

All material provided on this website, is copyright protected
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Raising Rock Stars Preschool?
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Why don't you charge for this program? Why is it Free?
I offer this free because I truly want to help others. I developed the program for my son, so the work was done for personal reasons ~ why not share? It does take a lot of time to upload the files, share the books, and develop the webpages to go along with each unit. For this reason I offer the base program {the printable files} for free but only offer the extra components {custom made PowerPoint shows} in the Members Only section, you can read more about that here. Even if you don't join the Members Only section, you can help support our family and the time it takes by using our affiliate links to purchase items you need for the program. By doing this, you are getting what you need, we get a small financial income and you still get the base program itself for free!
Why are the letters presented out of order?
You will notice a bit of Kumon inspiration in the program also, which is why the letters are presented out of order. I want my son to learn to write the letters, so we begin with the letters which are easiest to write {straight lines}.
I notice some of the items you add in each week, how do you decide what you are going to add and where do you get most of your additional printables/activities from?